FilDA Finance Update - August 2021

A monthly report about news and development for FilDA: Secure your own wealth

I: Project Statistics

  • TVL: $191.63m

  • Total Deposits & Loan: $306.36m

  • Current $FilDA Supply: 79,935,576

  • Market Cap: $10,899,599

  • Current FilDA Liquidity Pools: 4 Pairs

  • FilDA LP Staking:

  • Current DAO Pool Total: 27.11m $FilDA

  • HECO Node position: 1st

II: Community Update

  • Twitter: 22k followers

  • Global (English) Telegram Group: 2,757 members

  • WeChat (Chinese) groups: ~3650 members

III: Development Update

  • Third-party investment page now includes the Depth and Booster protocols to expand DeFi opportunities and improve the efficiency for users’ funds.

  • In LuckyHeco activities, NFTs were issued and bonuses granted to overseas communities.

  • Improved deposit exchange function: one-click conversion of deposit and debit positions.

  • Optimized deposit exchange function: support the movement of funds without affecting the loan utilization rate.

IV: Operational Dynamics

  • Huobi ECO Chain reminder service provider WAU Finance has integrated the FilDA add-on. WAU.Finance informs users of liquidation dangers and profit opportunities through email and text message alerts. In addition,

  • FilDA holders with 10,000+ FilDA in DAO get the VIP service for free.

  • FilDA is the top HECO elected node.

  • 100% of FilDA HECO node revenue is currently awarded to voters.

  • FilDA released the Bug Bounty plan.

  • FilDA HECO node voting earned voters an airdrop.
