Liquidity Mining
How to stake FilDA pairs in liquidity pools
How to stake FilDA pairs in liquidity pools
Please Note: You must ensure you understand the risks of liquidity mining, including impermanent loss, APR, APY, and potential liquidation risks if you’re using loans.
Once you have asset tokens you wish to use for mining available in your HECO-compatible wallet, along with some Huobi Token (HT) for gas fees, follow the steps below:
Connect your HECO-compatible wallet on
Connecting your wallet
2. Choose a mining Staking page
3. Decide your total staking amount in USD
4. Go to: and navigate to the “Swap” tabSwapping tokens using MDEX
5. Calculate and enter a 50/50 split of the total value in USD between your assets for the pool
6. Once assets are split 50/50 (USD value) go to:, navigate to the “Pool” tab, and select “Add Liquidity” — select your two assets and the quantity required in one, the other will auto-populateAdding liquidity using MDEX
(This is where you acquire your LP tokens)
7. Go to, ensure you're connected to your HECO-compatible wallet, and you will now see you have LP tokens ready for the mining pool for your asset pairStaking LP tokens
Choosing the amount
8. Click on “Stake”, enter the quantity you wish to stake, and confirm the transactionProcessing the transaction
Once the transaction is confirmed, liquidity is added to the pool and you are successfully mining.