2021年2月8日17:30-18:20期间,由于FilDA 更新预言机产品功能导致HUSD价格失灵,当前预言机问题已经修复,平台各项存借功能已经恢复正常。
目前白帽团队已经返还相应资产,用户资产均处于安全状态,为表示对白帽团队的感谢,FilDA团队将团队份额的10%作为bug bounty奖励给白帽团队,持续3个月,从3月9日到5月9日截止。与此同时,FIlDA团队也将加强平台自身的安全性建设,后续会陆续和多家知名安全审计公司进行安全审计工作。
再次就平台异动给大家带来的困扰深表歉意,感谢各界对FilDA 平台的包容与厚爱。
FilDA开发团队 2021年2月9日
2021年2月8日17:30-18:20期间,由于FilDA 更新预言机产品功能导致HUSD价格失灵,当前预言机问题已经修复,平台各项存借功能已经恢复正常。期间发现单个账户出现异动情况,问题账户已经定位并在进行追踪。 所有用户资产均安全,FilDA启动了应急预案,多个安全团队第一时间给与了支持,现就平台异动给大家带来的困扰深表歉意,并会持续跟踪相关进展。
From 17:30 to 18:20 on Feb 8, 2021 Beijing Time, the HUSD price broke down when the Oracle functions were being updated on FilDA.
As of now, we have resolved the Oracle issues, and the borrowing and lending functions on FilDA have returned to normal. During this period, a problem occurred with a single account that has been located and is being tracked. In this incident, FilDA has launched the emergency plan, and multiple security teams also provided immediate support.
At present, all assets are safe on FilDA. We apologize for the disturbance caused by the unexpected situation on our platform. We will continue to follow up on the progress and provide the update for you.
FilDA Operation Team / Feb 8, 2021