MDEX will be launched on Filda. Our new liquidity mining incentives will migrate and launch on Jan 20 at 8:00PM (UTC+8).
In order to change the situation that some tokens have high utilization rate, FilDA team will adjust the asset utilization rate coefficient in current interest rate model. Assets with high utilization rates will have higher interest rates. In the future, it will gradually transition to the segmented interest rate model.
Since some tokens on FilDA have higher utilization rate than expected, the team will adjust the utilization rate coefficient in the interest rate model, so that assets with high utilization rates will have higher interest rates. In the future, it will gradually transition to the segmented interest rate model.
As of now, there are two interest rate models. Version 1.0 is a linear interest rate model, and Version 2.0 is a segmented interest rate model. Version 1.0 is currently used on Filda
Version 1.0
As of now, FilDA interest rate models come with two versions. V1.0 is the linear model and V2.0 is the leap model or segmented model. Currently V1.0 is the only model adopted on FilDA.
Linear Model: basic interest rate + asset utilization rate + utilization rate coefficient
1.0版本 Version 1.0:
Version 2.0 2.0版本的核心思路:如果使用率超过一定比例(kink),则使用分段利率,否则则采用1.0版本的利率模型。
If utilization rate exceeds a specific value (kink), it should be switched to segmented model V2.0. Otherwise, linear model V1.0 is used by default.
线性模型:基础利率 + 资金使用率 * 使用率系数
Leap Model: When the actual asset utilization rate is equal or less than the rate at the inflection point, linear model should be used; otherwise, please follow the formula as follows:
Linear Model: Basic interest rate + asset utilization rate * utilization rate coefficient
(actual asset utilization rate - utilization rate at the inflection point) * leap coefficient + basic interest rate + asset utilization rate * utilization rate coefficient
当资金使用率小于等于拐点使用率时,使用线性模型公式; 如果使用率超过一定比例(kink),则使用以下分段利率公式。
When asset utilization rate is less than or equal to Kink, linear model should be used; Otherwise, leap model should be used. Please use the leap model formula as follows:
(资金使用率 - 拐点使用率) * 跳跃系数 + 基础利率 + 资金使用率 * 使用率系数
(utilization rate - kink) * leap coefficient + base interest rate + asset utilization rate * utilization rate coefficient
当 utilization Rate<= kink时候 borrowRate = baseRate + utilizationRate*multiplier
If "utilizationRate>kink" borrowRate = baseRate + utilizationRate*multiplier + (utilizationRate-kink)*jumpMultiplier
可以将kink理解为边际利率,utilizationRate-kink理解为溢出利率 上述公式用中文理解,可以翻译为:
当使用率 <= 边际利率 时候: 借款利率=基础利率+使用率*使用率乘数
当 使用率 > 边际利率 时候: 借款利率=基础利率+使用率*使用率乘数+边际利率*边际利率乘数
其中: baseRate 基础利率。